Photo by JordyMeow from Pixabay
“Snowy mountainous paradise.”
The mountainous prefecture of Gifu is located in the center of Japan. It is home to the quaint little towns of Takayama and Shirakawa-go located near the Japanese Alps. Traditional architecture in these towns combine beauty with durability to withstand the heavy snow the prefecture can get during the winter. Popular attractions include Gifu Castle and Park and the Gifu Daibutsu, a 13.6m tall image of Buddha housed in Shohoji Temple.
Climate in Gifu
Annual temperature is roughly between 4°C (39°F) and 28°C (83°F). July expects the highest precipitation (about 270mm) while January is the snowiest month (about 10cm). July to September are the hottest months (about 27°C or 81°F), and January, February and December are the coldest months (about 4°C or 39°F).
You can get more climate information with the following charts created by processing the weather observation data for the past 10 years. Please note that this is not a weather forecast. For more information about the data please read this page.
Weather Summary
On Jan-7, 10-year averageHourly Temperature
On Jan-7, 10-year averageHourly Wind Speed
On Jan-7, 10-year averageHourly Sunshine Duration
On Jan-7, 10-year averageTop 10 Fine Weather Days of Jan
10-year average.Monthly Weather
10-year averageMonthly Precipitation and Temperature
10-year averageMonthly Wind Speed
10-year averageRecommended Clothing
The following clothes are recommended for visiting Gifu on Jan-7.